Malagasy children and youth have no place where they can come and paint pictures, read books in their mother tongue, listen to music and do whatever they want without a teacher telling them. They have never experienced to use as much paper as they want when they paint, or just sit and play board games with friends.
We want to build such a place!

This place, known as Toliara Talent Centre, is intended to be built in the coastal city of Toliara. We want to combine this centre with the office of our publishing company, and a café.
The first step is to find a place suited for this, and enough money to build it. We really hope that someone out there could be interested in helping us. If this dream becomes real, many Malagasy children and adolescents will get a good place to spend their spare time, and we will be able to discover talents. There is so much Malagasy youth with talent, but with no one discovering them and helping them developing and publishing their talents!
Help us to make this dream come true!

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