A common definition of literacy is the ability to read and write at a specified age. CIA-the world factbook uses age 15.
According to CIA, the literacy rate in Madagascar is 68.9% for the total population – 75.5% for men and 62.5% for women.
In Germany, United Kingdom and the US, literacy is 99% for the total population, and in Norway it is even 100%.
On the other hand you have Mali with a literacy rate on 46.4%. In Ethiopia literacy for the total population is 42.7% and in Kenya it is 85.1% (90.6% for men).
We hope that our books from Vakoka Vakiteny can contribute with an increase of the literacy rate in Madagascar. When a child gets a book, the whole family will read in it, and literacy will spread.
The aim for every country should be 100%. So for Madagascar we only have 31.1% left!
Dia hano :)