Monday, May 31, 2010
Interview with Mr Ralay, headmaster at the teacher training college SFM
Saturday, May 29, 2010
The same dream

But they share the same language, and all of them want to be be proud of it. They want to use it and see it used. In books, for example. In funny books full of colored pictures and wonderful stories they can understand. And the best of all: It could be their book!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
10,640,922 Malagasy children in need for books
Malagasy proverbs
- Words are like eggs: when they are hatched they have wings
- Words go further than bullets.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Have you voted yet?
Monday, May 24, 2010
Literacy in Madagascar
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Have you bought a CD lately?
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Books for blind children
Friday, May 21, 2010
Association for children’s books
Thursday, May 20, 2010
One coffee or one book?
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Dangaligny with new layout
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
A book: the greatest gift ever
Interview with Tahoala Adison Sowarski, 13 years
Toliara Talent Centre

Monday, May 17, 2010
Our new book, Uncle Tefy
Take a look into our new book, “Uncle Tefy” (“Dadanaivo Tefy in Malagasy”). This new book is about to be ready for printing, and Tojo has worked hard on the pictures. See for yourself!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Who are we?
We want to encourage young Malagasy talents to publish their ideas as books through Vakoka Vakiteny and fill homes and schools with them. For more information about us, please look at our web page
Currently we are three fix coworkers in the company:
Tojosoa Raherinirainy, designer and illustrator, 22 years old, student
And these are also our coworkers providing us with ideas and inspiration for our work. They show cheerfulness and joy even in a very difficult life situation. And they are the reason for the work of Vakoka Vakiteny: They are the children of Madagascar!
We have an association working for us in Germany called "Madagaskar Schul- und Kinderbücher e.V.". For all questions concerning membership, etc. please contact Dr. Klaus-Christian Küspert on or see his blog:
Welcome to this new blog

Welcome to our blog and thank you for reading this contribution. We hope this blog can be a source of information and inspiration. So please don’t hesitate in contacting us if you have ideas, meanings or questions about anything concerning Vakoka Vakiteny and its work.
What we want to achieve with this blog is to draw attention to what we are doing and what is happening in our company. However, this blog will not be a substitute for our web page, where all major information will be and where you can see our products, our main activities and more about who we are. Please take a look if you are interested.
The reason for beginning a blog right now is that our company will go to Germany in summer, where we will inform and advertise for our work at many different places. Among others, we will meet the Malagasy Embassy from Berlin, a Swiss/ German children’s book publisher and several associations. So please follow our blog in the weeks coming for update about our activities.