Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Association for school and children’s books in Madagascar

The German association “Madagaskar Schul und Kinderbücher e.V.” / “Association for school and children’s books in Madagascar” is still searching for more supporting members. Even if the association’s head quarter is in Germany you can easily become a member if you live in another country. There are for example three members from Norway in the association. The yearly membership fee on min € 20/ NOK 200/ $ 30.

As a member you support the development of literacy and literature in Madagascar through Vakoka Vakiteny. This is a very important work as literature is a mostly unknown term for most people in Madagascar, and because the children have no books, especially not in their mother tongue. Our books are always in modern Malagasy language, richly illustrated and printed with high quality. They are mostly written by Malagasy authors and deal with stories from a Malagasy everyday life recognizable for children and youth.

As a member you will in return for your membership receive electronic newsletters about the work every three months directly from us in Madagascar, and you will also receive news from the association. You are free to ask for whatever information material you need if you want to do extra publicity for the association, and your work will of course be honored here on the blog.

This is the application form in English:

If you need it in another language (e.g. German or Norvegian) or if you need some more information, please contact the head of the association Dr. Klaus-Christian Küspert on

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