Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A book: the greatest gift ever

In April 2008 Dr. Klaus-Christian Küspert and Mparany Rakotondrainy made research among the children who had received the book “Dangaligny sy Konaky". It clearly showed that the children appreciated the book very much, and that this was one of the greatest gifts they ever had received. The following interview is a good example for how the children answered.

Interview with Tahoala Adison Sowarski, 13 years

-       Where is your book now? What do you do with it?
I read in it in the evening when I am in the house, and I preserve it in my schoolbag.

-       Whose book is it - who is the true owner?
It is mine!

-       Have you read books before - which books and where did you get them from? Do you own other books?
Only school books, but I have no books of my own.

-       Have you shown the book to others - children or adults? Have you told the story of "Dangaligny sy Konaky" to others?
We often tell the story to each other and we talk about the book when we are together.

-       Can you give us some advice when we now want to create a new book? How would this book be? What kind of books do you like?
I like books with long stories. Stories about children or the life. There should also be pictures, but it must not necessarily be the same as “Dangaligny sy Konaky”.

-       Do you want to say anything more about "Dangaligny sy Konaky" or about reading books?
We like all the funny things and when they play jokes.

When you give children books, you open a new world for them. It gives them joy, happiness, knowledge, inspiration, experience and a whole new dimension in their life. They protect the book as a great treasure. It shows them that their mother tongue is worth something, and that you can do beautiful things in their language.

This is what Vakoka Vakiteny wishes: Many more children like Tahoala experiencing joy of reading!

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