Monday, July 18, 2011

Events in Baden-Baden and Gernsbach

On Friday 15th July Mparany and Sophie had two small gatherings with supporters and sponsors of Vakoka Vakiteny in Baden-Baden and Gernsbach in Germany.

In the morning we visited the Albert Schweitzer Gymnasium in Gernsbach to thank the school for their generous donations during last school year. With help of the Gymnasium we were able to print the geographic picture book in 1000 copies. After a short meeting with the headmaster Mr. Beil and the responsible teacher Mrs. Rauffmann we met the students in the canteen. We were surprised that so many were interested as the meeting was voluntary. We received many questions from the students about the geography book, our work and the general situation in Madagascar. It was especially pleasing to meet many students who had listened to our presentation about Madagascar and Vakoka Vakiteny at the school last year. Afterwards we spoke with two students from the student council who were very eager to continue the support and make publicity for our work in Madagascar.

In the afternoon the association supporting Vakoka Vakiteny, “Förderverein Madagaskar Schul- und Kinderbücher e.V.” had their annual meeting in the home of board member Mrs. Schelshorn (2nd from the right on the picture) in Baden-Baden. Following this assembly the 9 members of the association and 7 other interested people came to listen to our report about the activities during the last school year and look at our new books. It was a very enjoyable evening where we discussed both the work and the general situation in Madagascar. In addition we received inspiration, suggestions and feedback.

A great thank you goes to Mrs. Schelshorn for her hospitality. Furthermore we want to thank the staff and students at the Gymnasium and the association board for arrangements and support.

Presentation of two new coworkers

This post was published a week ago but due to internet problems it suddenly “disappeared”. Here it comes again:

Mrs Hantanirin’i Joa, 39 years old and former teacher acts as our replacement in Vakoka Vakiteny during the period we will be away from Madagascar. Among her responsibilities will be to distribute and sell books, collect and pay the new books from the printing house and administer the correction and illustration of the Malagasy version of Nasrin Siege’s book about the girl Todisoa.

Together with Mrs Hanta, the young man Jean Elysé will work temporarily with the correction of the book about Todisoa. He will receive the corrected manuscript from the proofreaders and send out a new version to the next proofreader.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Two new books and other news

There have happened many things since last time we posted on this blog. First of all two books are now printed. The first one is Ampanirio, the environment book, which is our first book printed on recycled paper. We are very satisfied with the quality of the print on this paper and will be happy to be able to distribute the first copies to the participating schools already next week.

The second book is the geography book with the new title “Fantaro ny Nosintsika”, which means “Get to know our island”. Also this book is now laying out for sale and distribution in Madagascar in this very moment.

On Saturday the 2nd of July we met the pupils in the village Ambohimanambola who received the book Dadanaivo Tefy printed with the means of the company Henzmann. Some of them had also brought their parents, and they all were very positive towards the book.

Some of their comments were:

“I found it very funny when Uncle Tefy stole the food from the herdsmen and burned his mouth.”

“We like the story and especially the pictures inside the book.”

“I see how fast the children who have received this book develop their reading skills in school. Their advantage compared to children not owning a book is incredibly!”

“Sometimes in the evening our children read aloud to those not going to school and explain the story of Uncle Tefy. They are having a good time. Also we grownups like to take a look into the book.”

Sophie and Mparany have now come to Germany where we will stay about one year due to studies in Norway. Our temporary replacement for Vakoka Vakiteny in Madagascar, Mrs Hanta, has already been working with enthusiasm for some weeks. We will soon introduce her officially on this blog.

Our web page has been down and under construction for some time now. However, we hope to have it repaired soon and apologize for the trouble this may have caused.